Soli-Statement von Justizwatch Berlin

Europaweit erleben wir eine Welle der Repression gegen Geflüchtete und ihren politischen Protest – gegen die Moria 35, die Röszke 11, die Harmanli 21, die Geflüchteten in Ellwangen, Bamberg, Donauwörth und nun auch gegen die PAZ Hernals 6.
Geflüchtete, die nichts anderes getan haben als gegen Isolation in Lagern, Residenzpflicht, Arbeitsverbote, Wachdienst- und Polizeigewalt, Dublin, Abschiebeknäste und Abschiebungen zu protestieren und grundlegende Rechte einzufordern, werden zu Kriminellen gemacht und unter haltlosen Vorwürfen verfolgt.
Wir verurteilen diese Politik der rassistischen Kriminalisierung, solidarisieren uns mit den PAZ Hernals 6 und fordern ihre sofortige Freilassung. Nieder mit der Festung Europa! Feuer und Flamme den Abschiebebehörden! Bleiberecht für alle!

Justizwatch – Prozessbeobachtungsgruppe zu Rassismus und Justiz

Soli-Statement von Women in Exile, Berlin

Many refugees are in exile to escape the effects of human-made disasters. Disasters which are man made and could not escalate without the active participation of the so called “developed countries”.

Flight reasons, dangerous routes that refugees take on their way to Europe, criminalisation of refugees, deportations ending in deaths and the police brutality accompanying them are taboo topics in these societies.
The European governments have no time for such topics because their aim is to create markets for their products such as guns, dump sub-standard products and for the multinational industries to own cheap tracts of land and to have cheap labour. What matters to them is the profit gained and not the means to these profits. It has become normal thing for the European governments to abuse the human rights which they demand other countries to adhere to.

To us everybody seeking for asylum has “legitimate reasons”, no matter where they are from. The political racism and discrimination of refugees should stop. Refugee should not be criminalised and used as political chips but considered as human beings.
The isolation, discrimination and controlled system of accommodation for refugees is already a prison system. Refugees have to ask for permission to receive visits, visits are restricted on time and are controlled each time that they go in and out of the lagers. Lagers are fenced and act as a prison for prisoners who have committed no crime.

We declare our solidarity with all people who are forced to flee their homes and countries from the European policy makers, who criminalise their human rights of seeking for asylum in their territories and enforcing unnecessary deportations. Freedom of Movement is everybody’s right. Right to come, right to stay, right to go!!

Women in Exile and friends is an initiative of refugee women & activists in solidarity without refugee background. Together we fight for refugee women* rights because we have made the experience that refugee women are doubly discriminated against not only by racist laws and discriminative refugee laws in general but also as women.

Soli-Statement vom Kulturkollektiv Contrapunkt

„Freiheit für die PAZ Hernals 6 – Wir als Kulturkollektiv Contrapunkt solidarisieren uns mit den von Abschiebung betroffenen Gefangenen im PAZ Hernals. Wir lehnen die Abschiebung als rassistische Praxis ab, da sie sich einzig und allein gegen “Fremde” richtet. Darin offenbart sich der wahre Charakter dieser Praxis und ist somit Teil einer rassistischen Asyl- und Fremdenpolitik in Österreich. Wir fordern Bleiberecht nicht nur für die Menschen im PAZ Hernals, sondern für Alle von Flucht betroffenen Menschen!”
Kulturkollektiv Contrapunkt, Innsbruck

Soli-Statement von Bulletin

“Freedom for the PAZHernals6!

On the 14th of September the deportation prison (PAZ) at Hernalser Gürtel in Vienna was burning. A cell was set on fire in resistance of imprisonment and the upcoming deportations. Instead of being deported, six people were transferred to the prison Justizanstalt Wien Josefstadt. State and media presented them as criminals to reinforce the racist deportation system. Now, four months after the incident, the Hernals6 will face trial in the upcoming weeks in Vienna.

News like that, unfortunately, tend to sound “ordinary”. Deportations, imprisonments and police brutality are part of the anti-migration policies throughout all Europe in order to keep migrants invisible and without voice. But with our words and actions, locals and migrants fighting together, we can build an answer to all this: let’s speak about all that, let’s fight it and make it public, let’s find this common ground and be a part of the struggles that refuse to see migrants deaths
and opression as an “ordinary” thing. From the city of Thessaloniki, we send our solidarity to the Hernals6!”

Breaking the Borders, Communicating and Struggling Together, from Thessaloniki

Soli-Statement von You Can’t Evict Solidarity

“We from the “You cant evict solidarity”-solidarity-campaign declare our solidarity with the imprisoned and accused Hernals6 in Vienna and demand their release!

From the lager Moria on Lesbos to the deportation prison Hernalser Gürtel in Vienna, people on the move are resisting the racist and inhuman EU-border-regime and its system of deportation and imprisonment. We stand in solidarity with the six people from Hernalser Gürtel who are accused of setting their cell on fire in September 2018 to protest against their deportation. As the Austrian governments and medias repressive answer is accusation and imprisonment of the protesters in the prison in Vienna, we will not let ourselves be intimidated and call to support the accused in the upcoming trial and to resist the inhuman EU-border-regime.

Our passion for freedom is stronger than all prisons!”

You Can’t Evict Solidarity

“You can`t evict Solidarity” ist eine Anti-Repressions-Kampagne. Sie wurde zur Unterstützung von Menschen, die nach Räumungen von besetzten geflüchtetensolidarischen Häusern in Thessaloniki (Griechenland) in 2016/2017 und anschließenden Protesten vor Gericht stehen, gegründet. Mittlerweile unterstützen wir viele verschiedene Repressions-Betroffene aus antirassistischen, migrantischen Kämpfen an den EU-(Außen)Grenzen.